Tuesday, October 21, 2014


We live in a day and age where people want immediate gratification, and one is hardly willing to wait, to work hard or to endure temporary difficulties in order to see results. 

Patience is a difficult matter, which you'll have to deal with for the rest of your life. There're moments when you'll desire excitement, sensation, or an event. However, this isn't always possible and you’ll be expected to wait patiently.

'Patience is a virtue'

You're making every day decisions where patience is bounded by. Mankind is created with desires and an intellect. Your body desires something tangible, or an event and the mind will indicate whether it's good or bad. As a human being, it is important to consider your choices properly before making a decision. Any decision you take sends you in a certain direction in your life. A simple example; It happens a lot that someone arrives to late for an appointment you've made with him/her. Are you able to wait patiently, or will you react immediately with consideration of all the consequences resulting your actions? We have no control over the situations in which our patience will be tested. The only thing we can do is respond. And so we'll have to make the right decisions.

Being patiently isn't something you can learn in one time. It's a continuous process. It could happen that you can't bring up the patience you normally have in a given situation. But it is important to work on your patience. You can improve it by training it. It may help to think about the upcoming reward for the patience you’ve shown. We humans like instant gratification. This isn’t always possible. Think about the upcoming result, which can strengthen your patience to endure the matter your facing.

Remember: Life is all uncertainty. Be patient, and you'll be fine.

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