Thursday, September 12, 2013


Friendship.. It's such a priceless gift. You can have lots of friends, or a few, but every one of them has something unique. It's something you can't buy, take or even compare. It's real personal and intuitive. I really believe that its a gift from God.

Maybe (I hope) you have also that one friendship which is very special to you. You can be extremely comfortable when you're with him/her and the combination of you togheter creates something so extraordinarily that it seems strange and inexplicable. Your memmories of the occasions makes you smile immediatly and gives you a gratefull feeling that you had the honor to spend that very moment. These are moments that fills your life with beauty, grace and joy.

Be thankful for such friendships, because it's a luxury which is more valuable than all the gold you could have in this world and it is certainly rare. Most importantly: create the time and make the effort to live these beautiful moments. Because no one has the guarantee of seeing tomorrow, so enjoy as much as possible.

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