Friday, October 10, 2014


Do you ever take a day off to profit from the benefits of the nature of our beautiful world? Everyone has a busy life and is dealing with his or her issues. Life can become a roller coaster. The nature could help you in many ways. Flowers, trees, the sea.. Everyday we walk by it without realizing what it really means to us. Have you ever thought about the fact that for example: flowers almost perform a dance with their movements to grow in their blooming phase. That there beauty emerges us with color, taste and touch. That a walk in the forest could give you lots of inspiration. Especially now in the autumn, when the leaves begin to fall and all kinds of colors appear. Or a walk on the beach with the singular air of the sea. That it could remove all the negative energy in your spirit.

In the nature, we have a sense of being away from the all day stresses and strains of our lives. Time spend in nature gives us the opportunity to renounce and to look with a different perspective to matters. A day in nature stimulates and pleases our senses. It can give you the feeling that you'r in a supportive and harmonious environment. What do you think that all these profits will lead to?! It encourages our optimal human functioning! Explore our world. Feel the earth and enjoy from the benefits of nature.

'Take a quiet walk with Mother Nature. It will nurture your mind, body and soul' - Anthony Douglas Williams. 

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