Tuesday, December 24, 2013


‘The source of vision is inspiration. A vision cannot occur without an idea. The source of inspiration is passion. The source of passion is your purpose in life. We humans are created with a purpose in life and each one of us is uniquely created. So everyone has a unique journey in life. The key is to find yourself in God who gave you identity.’ – Joel Giterson

Have you ever thought about what you want to achieve in life? Life is very short and it'll be over before you know it. How will you be remembered, or better said, how do you want to be remembered? This is a very deep subject and difficult to answer. I think you’ll pursue towards it if you keep working on it.

A vision refers to a desired long-term perspective. There is no end to it. However, it’s important to have goals to work towards to. This may be long or short term goals. I like working towards personal goals and a new year is a good time to start. This allows you to annually evaluate your goals and prepare yourself for a new year. Last year I had targets and unfortunately I haven’t accomplished all of them. I will do my best to achieve more next year.

Each person leaves a legacy behind. Only you determine how this will look like. The key is to find yourself in God and to attain your passion. Only then you will excel in what you are destined for.

Let 2014 be a great year!

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