Sunday, December 8, 2013

The Present

Are you the type of person who looks constantly forward or just someone who lives by the day. Are you someone who works towards a specific day, or do you enjoy each day? Do you spend your consciousness by thinking or doing? These questions are maybe hard to answer immediately. But they do describe a part of your personality.

Every day you live is a privilege and a gift from God. I think that it's good to make plans about your future (this could be short or long term), but you shouldn’t work towards a goal at the expense of whole days/weeks or months. If you look forward, you can already see the next stage which will occur on your path. Try to make the best of the present before you proceed to a next stage in your life. 

The reason that made me think about the present is the way the world is changing. And hereby, I'm talking about the way people is living. We live in an age where speed is becoming something very important and is taking charge of our lives. Speed is associated with more stress, more busyness, and less balance. There are so many things happening in our lives and I'm wondering if we live them to the fullest. It could make your live so much more various and interesting. Try to enjoy the small details of your day. For example; Coffee! When was the last time that you enjoyed a cup of coffee at home or in a cafe without keeping an eye on time? (if you don't like coffee, maybe tea?)    

Don’t forget nor dwell on the past, but do forgive it. Be aware of the future but do no fear or worry about it. Focus on the present moment. Be curious, invent, try to live your life to the fullest and try to enjoy every single thing you do today.
Skyline Amsterdam City
Skyline Amsterdam City

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