Thursday, December 12, 2013

The joy of giving

The fact that mankind continuously wants more, is in its nature. If you’re a millionaire and you can provide your needs spacious, you’ll still want more. It is in the psychology of man. I think this is partially positive, because  it ensures that you are constantly striving forward and motivated to continue. However, there is a flip side of this tale. One seeks often material satisfactions, and people are willing to sacrifice a lot to achieve it. I am convinced that it will not give you the satisfaction that you’re looking for. The moment that a matter or a way of living becomes a habit, it will no longer fulfill your gratification.

Do you ever think of others? The society is in such a state, and I think that it always has been, that people always thinks of his/her own. This is understandable, but the awareness that you could give another joy in many different ways is often absent. You can make someone else very happy, and their gratitude can give you a beautiful feeling which is hard to describe. You can help or give to another in many forms. This could be financial assistance or maybe a favour. But simply a smile or ‘good morning’ to a stranger could also be a huge pleasure. 

I think/hope that you’ve experienced the happiness and joy of someone because of your gift or service. The trick is to help another in your current situation in a creative way. And don’t forget that this has an action/reaction effect ;).

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