Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Beautiful picture of Paris. I've been there twice. Once when I was young with my football team. Which was a lot of fun. And the last time was in the summer of 2012. The Ramadan was about to start. We had a week to do something normal (or crazy) before it started. I came home on a Saturday night from work and my brother and two friends said let’s get in the car and go to Paris! I was a bit shocked and said immediately; I'm going to bed. And my brother said one thing which turned my thoughts: Sleeping isn’t very exciting and you are already doing it every day!! A trip to Paris will give you an experience you'll never forget!!  

So we went that night to Paris and on the way there we also made a stop in Antwerp and Lille. (Lille had a very nice croissants smell in the early morning.. That was sweet). We were in Paris in the morning and after a beautiful day through the streets of Paris, we left. On the way back, we also made a stop in Brussels to eat a delicious Belgian waffle, and finally, we were back in Holland sunday morning. It was a crazy weekend but as my brother said: an experience I'll never forget.

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