Thursday, February 19, 2015


Are we honest? How honest are we? Do we only think of ourselves in situations or do we also think of the others involved? If we make a decision, do we only consider our own interests, or do we also take into account the interests of others? How righteous is our handling? What tells our feelings about our handling?

In this day and age it is difficult to find people who are acting without giving priority to their own interests. Men firstly wants to guarantee their own needs and then, is sometimes, willing to consider the interests of others, as long as it will not jeopardize their own interests. Me first, then the rest. This isn't righteous.

Every human has a conscience, a feeling. During a day you can be happy, tired, irritable, agitated etc. Similarly, there is a feeling that comes resurface at the time of righteousness. If you find yourself in a situation where you have to make a decision, your conscience will tell you what’s right and wrong. Then it's up to you to listen to this or to ignore it. The feeling you'll have when you've taken the decision, will clarify whether you've acted righteous. My experience is that when I've taken an unfair decision, I’m trying to talk it straight.. 'I had to do it..' etc.. Fooling myself. But if I made a good decision, if I acted justly, I can become immensely happy. The thought about it gives me lots of joy. This is something men needs to know and should never forget!

As a believer, I would also like to say, that Allah wants to see men act righteous and it will be rewarded. Here is a short verse from the Holy Qur'an:

Chapter 16; Surat An-Naĥl (The Bee), verse 90:

‘Indeed, Allah orders justice and good conduct and giving to relatives and forbids immorality and bad conduct and oppression. He admonishes you that perhaps you will be reminded’.

A decision is not only for a specific moment. It affects your conscience and if you've taken a fair or unfair decision, it will stay with you throughout your life. I hope that you'll handle righteous no matter how big or small the situations that will cross your path. The world is hard and unfair, so even if you handle straight and honest now, I hope you'll keep handling righteous taking into account the injustice and hardship that will come to you. 

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