Thursday, December 25, 2014


Have you ever experienced that you continually think about a matter, a problem, or a wish? That you create many scenarios how it could succeed, or what you should do in order to fix or solve the case? Unfortunately, it stays with thinking and there is no action. I’m personally a thinker and I look from different angles to an issue. Mostly, it helps me doing the right thing, but sometimes it results the opposite because thinking is time consuming and affects your morale. I’ll try to explain.

Each person is busy with something on a daily basis. You can think of it as a 'to do' list which occurs to you every morning with notifications for the short- and long-term. So in your to do list there are things like: going to work, eat, sleep et cetera (things you do daily). And the long-term goals which should be turn to little daily objectives. Whether you want to achieve a certain body weight, passing a test, obtaining a deadline for a project at work or finding a job. There are certain efforts required from you to achieve these goals. You have to work daily on long-term goals. Even if it is a little bit. And you shouldn't start tomorrow.. If it requires a certain change in your lifestyle, you have to do it immediately. And you'll have to be patience. You can't expect that your goal succeeds instantly.

If you're able to turn your long-term goals in to small daily objectives and you work on them every day, it will give you satisfaction because you're trying and making progress. This will make you happy and will give you the energy and strength mentally and physically to continue. If you keep complaining that it's a lot of work and effort you'll never succeed. If this ever occurs or if you think that you could take a day off because you're doing good, I recommend you to shut down your feelings and to work on your goals while visualizing the end result, your goal.

There is a Turkish saying called: Damlaya damlaya göl olur, drop after drop can become a lake in time. So with this thought, try to work continuously on your goals. Apply the things you wish for yourself.

Apply what you have to, and you'll get there.