Sunday, September 7, 2014


What would we do without sound? It's a blessing from Allah that we can hear various sounds. It's one of the key factors of our lives. Whether it's listening to music, to the nature, the sounds surrounding you or simply listening to another. You're getting continuous stimuli. Listening is the key to communication. It's the key to every relationship, to every friendship. Simply said, it's the key to every event. Listening is something we do both consciously and unconsciously. We've partly in our command what we want to hear and what not. 

Communicating can create something very pleasant if we give the other the time to tell their story and if we have the patience to listen. It can create impulsive emotions while you're listening. But I'm wondering, are you really listening attentive to the others story? Are you giving the other person a chance to tell his story, without interrupting? Many people do not really 'listen' unfortunately, which results misconceptions. It is important to prevent this as much as possible. Give the teller a chance. Give him some time and try to understand his story. And remember, you don't listen just with your ears. Body language is also a way of communicating which is an important aspect.  Try while you're listening to imagine what the other wants to tell you. Try to make his story your own by visualizing his story and trying to create his emotions in you while your listening. Maybe it won't be possible to experience the same, but the teller will sincerely appreciate seeing you trying. 

'One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say' - Bryant H. McGill