Monday, August 25, 2014


How would the world be if every single person would walk this Earth with an open perspective to his fellow human being? Would it make life harder by hearing and experiencing more difficulties and problems? Or would it be the other way around with more happiness and joy? The things that will cross your path are inevitable. Every person has memories of strange or unusual events. It could be a good or a bad memory, but overall, it gives you the feeling that you’re alive. There is much more possible in this life than the things we’re already doing. But this requires a particular setting in our way of life. If I have to summarize what I'm trying to say, it would be called: ‘Proximity’. 

Life is organic. Even if you assume or think that you have it under control, you don't. We can't see life as a linear narrative. A lot of people are busy with their own life, their own issues and are acting as if they're having blinders on. But one should not forget that the life we live is created by the experiences we have. Proximity means in definition: nearness in space, time or relation. Try to live with an open perspective to the uncontrollable new experiences that happen in your life and try to explore new paths and possibilities in yourself and around you. This will create more nearness to each other, which will hopefully result more joy!!

Be untamed to create more proximity.