Friday, May 23, 2014


First of all: Take the time for a chilling. Both mentally and physically, its something you desire and need. Occasionally you need to make time for yourself and enjoy.

The meaning of chilling from my perspective is: ‘a day off’. Everything that you do and encounters you on daily basis in your life needs to be pushed a side. This means the responsibilities you have, things you need to do, time, money.. There is no longer any reason to stress. The only thing that remains is an empty mind. 

A chilling is possible in a variety of ways. You can spend the day with one good friend, a few friends, but don't underestimate the pleasure of enjoying a day by yourself in a completely strange city. Once the day has been planned and it is known where you'll go, it begins. It's even possible that you'll have a kind of tension the evening before. That you wont sleep well. But that's okay, it's positive and something as tiredness does not exist on that day!

Early in the morning you get on the road to your best friend and then to your destination. And I mean early! You should arrive at your destination at 9:00 am. The intention is that you enjoy the whole day.. 
It is strange, but if you have a busy live in which you don't have often the time for such a day, the first few hours, you don't even realize what is going on. Disbelief occurs, as it is not happening.
Once you arrive, drink a nice cup of coffee while enjoying the sun and the silence of the city. There are people around you, but everyone is quiet and relaxed. 10:00 am the stores open and you start shopping. I understand that times are tough, but at such a day, which is rare, you should buy what you want. Don't think about finance, not this day! Otherwise you'll regret it. There will be a solution afterwards, don't worry.

After several hours of shopping, relax again and have a tasty lunch. Then continue to enjoy the streets. Walk into streets you've never been before. Get into shops, which interest you: interior ships, boutiques, bookstores, candy stores..
Have a nice dinner in the evening and socialize. Afterwards, have a drink in a lounge or a nice bar. Talk to people who you've never seen before, enjoy the evening. You can learn the most interesting and craziest things from strangers.
Bolivarplaats, Antwerp

At the end, around 11:00 pm, it's time to go home. Reminisce on the highest level! You just had such a tremendously day which you won't forget easily. You'll be thinking about it the next upcoming days and maybe even discuss it with your friend.

The things, which are important at such a day, are that you forget everything. You really need tot do what you want, talk to people you don’t know and don't think about money. If you apply these facets to the maximum, you'll create something unforgettable. The best part is, that it feels like you've been gone for two weeks and it took only one day. Allow yourself such a day from time to time, because you deserve it. This was my happy face during my day of chilling :).