Monday, March 24, 2014


Early in the morning, your alarm goes off. You snoozed it immediately and want to stay in your bed. But knowing yourself, you set four consecutive alarms to make sure that you'll wake up. It's dark and cold outside. The morning has a strange silence. You're actually not hearing anything, but you can hear the nature waking up. Mainly birds. Once your ready for the day, you'll close the door behind you and you'll go to work, school et cetera. The dark sky is getting brighter and slowly, the sun is coming up. Your environment is gradually becoming more vivid. Nature’s already in full swing, but we don't realize it. You're feeling fresh and energetic and the start of your day is a fact.

People often underestimate the importance of the morning. It is the moment when your day begins. Everything you’ll do on a day starts with an initial. A poor start will affect the rest of your day and it can result that you wont be doing the things you planned. This can be annoying. But if you start your day proper, you'll be able to achieve a lot. I'm someone who likes to get up early. It gives me a fresh energy and motivates me to make the best of my day. What one must remember is that you lose a lot of life in terms of time if you get up late. Try to get up early, because the early morning is one of the most beautiful moments in life.

Bohemian Switzerland/Czech Republic

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Every person has certain goals in their life. This could be getting a degree, a job, or a certain weight. It's easy to say that you want something. A few words are enough. But how bad do you really want it? Do you want it as much as you want to breath? It isn't always easy to accomplish goals. Some of them are small and require little effort. But some of them are so big that you need years to accomplish them. Even some of them could require certain changes in your life.

Recently I ran into this picture. After seeing it, I could imagine what it means and what it does to my own life. I'm convinced that discipline is one of the most important things you need to accomplish your goals.

Unfortunately, during your journey, times will come when you'll get demotivated. You'll feel miserable because of your failures and want to dive in your bed and forget everything. You'll be losing the believe that you can do it and want to give up.

But let me tell you something: Setbacks are guaranteed! It will not always go as planned. Delimitation and demotivation will occur. But you have to believe! One by one you will handle the setbacks and step-by-step you will move forward. You need to be constantly motivated to overcome all the adversities. My advice to keep yourself motivated is that you need to visualize your ultimate goal. There lies a tremendous power in the thought of reaching your goal. It will give you the motivation to keep on going until you reach your ultimate goal, and you will.