Thursday, November 21, 2013


Have you been traveling lately?  Where did you go? Places you've been are usually pleasant memories. You see new places, meet new people and (often) get in touch with another culture. I'm trying to travel as much as possible. There is so much on this planet we don't know about: locations, people, cuisines, sights..

Try to experience new places and new things. You might find yourself with someone or/and somewhere that makes you much happier than your previous circumstance. The Earth is so vast with unique and beautiful places, why wouldn’t you want to go explore them?

Of course, there is a price tag. But there is something in the opposite for it. Besides the fact that you have a wonderful time and get relaxed, it also gives you something special which can't be bought.  You develop tremendously as a person. After a trip, you get back as another person. During a trip, you develop yourself. This can happen consciously or unconsciously. But because of the things you see and experience, your mindset changes. These are unforgettable and beautiful experiences. 

It doesn't always have to be expensive. The concept of traveling is to see new places, new people and experience new things. This doesn't mean that you have to go to another country. Have you seen everything in your own country? I live in the Netherlands, which is a small country, and I can say since recently that I've seen the major cities. If a country like the Netherlands has so much to offer, then other countries should have many more sights.  

I will close with a quote from Dalai Lama where I'm trying to keep myself stick to:
'Once a year, go to a place you've never been before'.   

Friday, November 8, 2013

Blind angle

Scotch&Soda Barfly

One day, I was walking along the Scotch & Soda store and I didn’t had the need to go inside. Yet, there was something in me saying; go and take a look. I made my mind and finally walked back into the store. I was making a tour through the store and taking a look at the clothes. When I came near to the exit, I saw a fragrance (see photo).

As I looked at it, I got intrigued by the fly on the shell and I wanted to try it. It became clear to me that it’s a scent which I find suited to myself. It has a sweet smell which gives me a lust for life and makes me happy. Eventually I was glad that I walked into the store. :)  

What I’m trying to clarify is that you can expect something extraordinary from a ‘blind’ angle you didn’t count of. The above is a very simple example but it can apply to all aspects in life. You probably know the moments in your life that your intuition says to do that one thing, but sometimes you don’t feel like it, don’t have the strength for it, or purely out of laziness, you won’t do it.

There will come many moments into your life like something very simple as I described, or perhaps a life changer which is waiting around the corner. Try to live with an institution that you’re open for anything.  Expect the unexpected.