Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Self evaluation

Have you ever wondered who you are? What your characteristics are? The things that drives and motivates you? Self-knowledge is an important issue which could be meaningful for your life. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses, things you like to do and things that doesn't pleasant you. It's hard to acknowledge your skills and you can't do it in one time. It’s a continuous process. Therefore, it is important to critically examine yourself occasionally. We live in an age where many people struggle with their identity. It can take a long time before someone finds out which things interests and motivates him/her. It’s a difficult and sensitive subject, but it could be of good use.

If you know your own competencies, it is easier to make choices in life. I honestly don’t know what I want to do in my career. But compared to a year earlier, I know a lot more about myself. Below are two images. One is taken in Istanbul which was taken almost a year ago and the other was recently in Antwerp. In both cases, I was in a nice lounge chilling and thinking about my skills and the things I like (which was pleasant btw).

Istanbul, 11-2012
Antwerp, 10-2013

Remarkable is that the second time was much easier. I really think that it works. My advice is to sit quietly somewhere, which could be at home, a beautiful park in the afternoon, or a nice café in the evening, and comfortably think about it.  You don’t have to do it alone. You could also discuss it with a good friend(s) (which I did). I wonder how the next session will be. 

Don’t be too critical to yourself if you don’t have a competence or interest! Do not be guided by the mass, distinguish yourself from it.
25 de Março street, Brazil