Sunday, March 31, 2013


This is a Turksih song which I like a lot. The intro is a bit long, but its worth waiting. Hope you enjoy it.


'Be happy for no reason like a child. If you're happy for a reason, you are in trouble because the reason can be taken from you' - Deepak Chopra

Your life, your choises

People can tell you their opinions or give advices on certain issues. But that's it. In life, no one has the right to tell you what to do. 

Make your own choises and create your own path.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


The new supercar of Ferrari; La Ferrari

I'm only gonna give a few details because the video speaks for itself.
6.3 liter v12 combined with an elctro motor
963 HP
9.250 tpm
0-100 km = less than 3 sec.
0-200 km = less than 7 sec.